Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
240 lines
; Sample rexx extension program. ;
; ;
; This module provides a function named "uppercase" which returns its arguments;
; uppercased and concatenated into a single string. ;
; ;
; To assemble, link, and install this module as an extension to rexx88r, ;
; execute the following rexx program: ;
; ;
; /* make rexx extension */ ;
; 'masm rexx88ex,rexx88ex,nul,nul' /* assemble */ ;
; 'link rexx88ex,rexx88ex,nul,nul' /* link */ ;
; 'exe2bin rexx88ex rexx88ex.com' /* convert into a com file */ ;
; 'erase rexx88ex.obj' /* get rid of intermediate file */ ;
; 'erase rexx88ex.exe' /* get rid of intermediate file */ ;
; 'rexx88ex' /* install */ ;
; ;
; Original code by Derek Lieber ;
; ;
; Updated 6/23/87 by Sam Detweiler ;
; ;
; Added check for LOADED function request (ax==7) ;
; Added code to check for first in chain and handle accordingly ;
; ;
PROGRAMSEG segment para public
org 100H
begin: jmp start
; Data area
rexxchain dd 0 ;link to next rexx extension in chain
myname db "uppercase",0 ;name of the function we're supplying
installed_byte db '1',0 ;used for ax=7 call
not_installed db '0',0 ;used for ax=7 call when we are first
save_call dw 0 ; place to save request code
RESULT_BUF equ 0 ;buffer for building result strings
;(we'll re-use our program segment
; prefix)
; Code area
REXX_VECTOR equ 7CH ;rexx communication vector
REXX_CALL equ 5 ;rexx 'call an extension' subfunction
REXX_FUNCLOADED equ 7 ;rexx 'check for extension loaded
;find current head of rexx control chain
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:[REXX_VECTOR * 4]
mov word ptr rexxchain,ax
mov ax,es:[REXX_VECTOR * 4 + 2]
mov word ptr rexxchain + 2,ax
;make ourself the new head
mov word ptr es:[REXX_VECTOR * 4],offset myfunction
mov word ptr es:[REXX_VECTOR * 4 + 2],cs
;terminate, but remain resident
mov dx,offset program_end ;pick up our program size (bytes)
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl ;convert to paragraphs
inc dx ;round up
mov ax,3100H ;terminate-but-remain-resident
cld ;(<--- fix DOS bug)
int 21H
jmp $ ;should never get here
; Sample rexx extension
; This sample function simply concatenates its arguments into a string,
; shifting them to upper case in the process.
; It might be invoked from rexx via the statment:
; say uppercase(one, two, three, ...)
; On entry: <ax> == 5 if this is a call to a rexx extension
; <ss:bp> points to a stackframe containing the function name,
; the number of arguments, and a pointer to an array of pointers
; to null terminated argument strings. This "argc, argv" structure
; should be familiar to C programmers.
; <ax> == 7 then this is a request to see if the function is
; loaded. if names match respond pointing to '1',0
; On exit: <ax>==5 <ds:si> points to a null terminated result string
; <ax>==7 <ds:si> points to '1',0
; (we are installed BELOW REXX processor)
; if previous vector 0:0 then for above
; <ax>==5 ds:si equals 0:0
; <ax>==7 ds:si points to '0',0
; ax=-1 and carry set
; Notes: 1. if ax <> 5 or the function name isn't one we're interested
; in, we pass control up the rexx control chain
; 2. we don't check for string buffer overflow but we really
; should
cmp cs:rexxchain,0 ; previous link 0?
jne ok_to_go_on ; no, let it look up the answer
cmp ax,REXX_CALL ; was this a 'call request'?
jne try_loaded ; no try loaded
mov si,0 ; no extesnion answered
mov ds,si ; the call
jmp otherdone ; done
cmp ax,REXX_FUNCLOADED ; extension loaded request?
jne otherdone ; no
mov si,offset cs:not_installed ; say extension not installed
push cs ;
pop ds ;
mov ax,-1 ; set error return code
push bp ; set carry flag
mov bp,sp ; in callers
or word ptr [bp+6],1 ; flags on stack
pop bp ;
iret ; and iret preserving int status
jmp cs:[rexxchain] ;pass control up the rexx control chain
;see if this function call is for us
cmp ax,REXX_CALL ;rexx 'call extension' subfunction?
je dofunc
cmp ax,REXX_FUNCLOADED ;rexx 'extension loaded' subfunction?
jne otherfunction ;no...
mov cs:save_call,ax ; save function code
push ss
pop ds ;source segment
mov si,0[bp] ;point to function name
push cs
pop es ;destination segment
mov di,offset myname ;point to name we're looking for
call scompare ;are they the same?
mov ax,save_call ;(restore subfunction number)
jc otherfunction ;no...
cmp ax,REXX_FUNCLOADED ;loaded request?
jne dofunc1 ; nope, must be call
mov si,offset installed_byte ; point to '1' answer
push cs ; in code segment
pop ds ;
iret ; and done
;gather arguments into a list, upper casing them
mov cx,2[bp] ;argument count
mov bx,4[bp] ;argument pointer array
mov di,RESULT_BUF ;destination buffer
jcxz done ;if no arguments, we're done...
gather: mov si,[bx] ;point to the argument string
call supper ;upper case it into destination buffer
mov al,' '
stosb ;append a blank
add bx,2 ;point to next argument pointer in array
loop gather ;continue
done: cmp di,RESULT_BUF ;is string empty?
je done1 ;yes...
dec di ;point to trailing space
done1: mov al,0
stosb ;null terminate the string
push cs
pop ds
mov si,RESULT_BUF ;point <ds:si> to result
;Compare strings for equality, ignoring case
;Taken: <ds:si> points to string 1
; <es:di> points to string 2
;Returned: 'nc' indicates "equal", 'c' indicates "not equal"
scomp1: lodsb ;al := *string1++
cmp al,'A' ;upper case letter?
jb scomp2 ;no...
cmp al,'Z' ;upper case letter?
ja scomp2 ;no...
or al,20H ;convert to lower case
scomp2: mov ah,es:[di]
inc di ;ah := *string2++
cmp ah,'A' ;upper case letter?
jb scomp3 ;no...
cmp ah,'Z' ;upper case letter?
ja scomp3 ;no...
or ah,20H ;convert to lower case
scomp3: cmp ah,al ;equal?
jne scomp4 ;no...
cmp al,0 ;end of both strings?
jne scomp1 ;no...
clc ;"strings are equal"
scomp4: stc ;"strings are not equal"
;Uppercase a null terminated string
;Taken: <ds:si> points to source
; <es:di> points to destination
;Returned: <es:di> points to null terminator at destination
supper: cld
sup: lodsb ;get char
cmp al,'a' ;lower case letter?
jb sup1 ;no...
cmp al,'z' ;lower case letter?
ja sup1 ;no...
and al,not 20H ;convert to upper case
sup1: stosb ;put char
or al,al ;null terminator?
jnz sup ;no...
dec di ;point to null terminator
program_end label byte ;<< end of program marker >>
end begin